One of my main goals as I go through my life is to improve the world around me. One way to do that is through my work in science. But there is a great deal more than that that I would like to contribute. A lot of work needs to be done in order to improve society and the world around us. This includes better inclusion for minorities and POC in science; this includes giving more care to the Earth and preserving resources; this includes improving education and foster care systems to give our future generations a better chance. The list goes on. Here are some of the causes that I am especially passionate about and some resources I wanted to share.


Systemic racism has been plaguing the nation for too long. It is time to demand change so that everyone, no matter their race, gender, or religion, has equal opportunities.

Climate change has been heavy in my heart lately. We has a human race should be doing more do make sure our planet survives for generations to come.

Help break the cycle by improving education in low socioeconomic areas. Work to improve local schools as well as change the policies and mindsets that stand in the way of equity/justice.

Every person deserves dignity as an equal member of society, which includes access to healthcare and a choice over their own lives. This should be the case regardless of gender or sex.