A Coloradoan now in Texas
I was born and raised in Fort Collins, CO and from this have grown a great love of the outdoors. In 2015 I moved to Indiana to start my undergraduate studies in Biomedical Engineering at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, where I also picked up minors in Chemistry and then Electrical Engineering, following my new passions as they came up. I did some undergraduate research in a Brain Computer Interface lab under Dr. Alan Chiu looking at the P300 response in learning environments for visual vs auditory learners. That research allowed me to attend SfN in 2018, beginning my love affair with neuroscience. That conference inspired me to get my PhD and help make devices that interface with the brain with the eventual goal of helping patients with neurological disorders.
I started my graduate studies at Purdue University completing my masters in 2021. Here, I learned about microfabrication while working on flexible electrodes for recordings on the surface of the brain and became somewhat of an expert in the semiconductive polymer PEDOT:PSS. Here, I also learned the value of good mentorship and the importance that mental health plays in work.
I then moved to Austin TX to work on my PhD. I am excited for the opportunities I have to continue in multidisciplinary research, going in depth into microfabrication techniques, electrical characterization, and neuroscience. During my time here, I have seen how much goes into science and how important each part is; it has become a parallel goal of mine to improve my science communication and become more knowledgeable about science policy and how it affects society.
As I have continued on in research, I have found myself interested in complex neural devices including using transistors and chemically active sites for detection of signals, and am interested in investigating the neural mechanisms underlying addiction.
Some goals of mine:
visit every National Park in the United States
summit Mt. Kilimanjaro
work to make higher education more accessible to all
inspire others through teaching and research